I’ve been bi for years and had a lot of cocks, but never more than one in a session. The closest I came to it was one weekend when I got lucky on Craigslist and ended up meeting three different twinks and taking all 3 cocks that weekend separately.
Madness., yes, in the rush of testosterone, I would also completely surrender myself to the DESIRES of the countless cocks in this gay fuck gang and let all the cock-swinging guys pamper my pussy hole with their fuck bolts so that the juice drips out of my ass... no, flows... Use me, ram your cock into my hole
Wahnsinn., ja im Rausch des Testosteron würde ich mich auch in dieser gaylen Fickru de völlig den BEGIERDEN der zig Pimmel hin geben und mir das Fotzenloch von allen Schwanz schwingenden Kerlen so mit den ihren Fick Bolzen verwöhnen lassen, das mir der Saft aus dem Arsch tropft..nein fließt.. Benutzt mich, rammt mir euren Schwanz ins Loch.
GAWWD...HUNG?? SW Ont Toronto to London...Got a couple friends...Experienced total bottom slut here..clean, discreet ddf & neg...TOTALL FUCKING HORNY to get fucked like this in this kind of scene...host or travel.. HMU ASAP
BRATISLAVA PETRZALKA... velmi rad sa necham takto zneuzivat skupine gayov a velmi velmi rad takto posluzim aj pri natacani takehoto bohoveho GAY PORNA. TVAR SI NEZAKRYVAM, CICINKY PRIJMAM BEZ GUMY, RAD PREHLTAM A RAD UROBIM VSETKO, CO ZUCASTNENYCH BUDE VZRUSOVAT. Volam sa MILAN HUSAR a byvam v Petrzalke.